
Identify hotspots of specific Point of Interest type

CARTO DWBigQuerySnowflakeRedshiftPostgreSQL

This example demonstrates how to identify hotspots using Getis Ors Gi* statistic. We use OpenStreetMap amenity POIs in Stockholm.

Read this full guide to learn more.

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Space-time hotspot analysis

CARTO DWBigQuerySnowflakeRedshiftPostgreSQL

This example shows how to identify spacetime clusters. In particular, we will perform space temporal analysis to identify traffic accident hotspots using the location and time of accidents in the city of Barcelona in 2018.

Spacetime hotspots are computed using an extension of the Getis Ord Gi* statistics that measures the degree to which data values are clustered together in space and time.

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Computing the spatial auto-correlation of point of interest locations

CARTO DWBigQuerySnowflakeRedshiftPostgreSQL

This example demonstrates how to use Workflows to analyze the spatial correlation of POI locations in Berlin using OpenStreetMap data and the Moran’s I function available in the statistics module.

Read this guide to learn more.

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Applying GWR to model the local spatial relationships in your data

CARTO DWBigQuerySnowflakeRedshiftPostgreSQL

This example demonstrate how to use Worklfows to apply a Geographically Weighted Regression model to find relationships between a set of predictor variables and an outcome of interest.

In this case, we're going to analyze the relationship between Airbnb’s listings in Berlin and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms available at these listings.

Read this full guide to learn more.

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Create a composite score with the supervised method (BigQuery)

CARTO DWBigQuerySnowflakeRedshiftPostgreSQL

A composite indicator is an aggregation of variables which aims to measure complex and multidimensional concepts which are difficult to define, and cannot be measured directly. Examples include innovation, human development or environmental performance.

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Create a composite score with the unsupervised method (BigQuery)

CARTO DWBigQuerySnowflakeRedshiftPostgreSQL

A composite indicator is an aggregation of variables which aims to measure complex and multidimensional concepts which are difficult to define, and cannot be measured directly. Examples include innovation, human development, environmental performance, and so on.

In this example, we will use the Create Score Unsupervised component, to identify areas in Milan with a larger market potential for a wellness & beauty center mainly aimed for teenage and adult women.

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